Heirloom Islamic Celebration Garland — ramadan activity
The Heirloom Celebration Garland | Islamic Holiday Decoration
eid decor eid mubarak embroidered ornaments hajj Heirloom garland heirloom pieces islamic art islamic celebrations muslim celebrations muslim holidays ramadan ramadan activity ramadan kareem

As muslims, the values & meaningful lessons we teach our children are the most precious legacy we leave behind.This heirloom piece was designed by drawing inspiration from these values taught in our faith. Since childhood I'd get so excited to see latest holiday decorations make their way into the store displays and seasonal racks. Cute whimsical creations and styles used to leave me i awe. Sparkly, metallic, beaded, embroidered, colourful and the works! Even quite at a young age, I would wish the stores had a section for our Islamic celebrations. This is a big reason why I’ve always loved to create diversity through...